What i'm working on is a Snowy Owl. A Snowy Owl builds it's nest on the ground. A Snowy Owl eats lemmings, rabbits, and ducks. It's predator is a red fox. Snowy Owls need food, water, and a shelter to live. A Snowy Owl is black and white. A Snowy Owl lays 5-8 eggs at a time. A Snowy Owlet stays with it's mom for 49-54 days before it can go out on it's own. A Snowy Owl lives in Tundra. It is usually 24 degrees or lower in Tundra or Antartica. A Snowy Owl can eat 3-5 Lemmings per day!
Other owl facts
Owls hoot for communication purposes. Owls have advanced eye sight and have good hearing. A group of owls is called a parliament. A baby owl is called an owlet. Owls do not hibernate. You can find snowy owls in Tundra or Antarctica. The largest owls in the world are called Eurasian Eagle Owls. The smallest owls in the world are the Elf Owls. There is 220-225 kinds of owls in the world.